Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Loved this book!  It's my first "Aunt Dimity" mystery.  

Main character Lori Sheperd, an American, has a lovely life in the small village of Finch in England.  Lori's 5-year old twins have just started school and are doing really well.  That is until the headmistress calls Lori and her husband into her office to confront them about a story the twins told their classmates about seeing a vampire in the woods while they were taking a riding lesson!  Lori is aghast!  Her boys don't tell lies and so she begins an investigation into the story that takes her on a rollicking ride through the English countryside chasing vampires and finding out new things about her adopted home.

This is the 13th Aunt Dimity mystery for author Nancy Atherton.  I enjoyed it so much I plan to go back to the beginning and read the first 12!  I enjoyed the characters, the plot and the surprise ending.  I am not giving you any clues, you need to read this one for yourself!  What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon, reading.  What do you think?

hear the interview

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