Wednesday, October 15, 2008

GETTING YOUR SECOND WIND:  Motivation Is The Power Source Fueling A Healthy Lifestyle
By Jan Tilley

There is a quote that comes to mind.  Oliver Wendell Holmes once said "The human mind, once stretched to a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions."  This book is all about stretching;  your mind, your body, you comfort zone, and your boundaries.

A combination of a personal story and sound advice fill this valuable little book.  In the chaotic times we are living in, if we don't take care of ourselves, we will be adding illness to the stack of things with which we have to deal.  

Become an Adventurer and a risk taker, advises Tilley.  "Being adventurous means learning to live with your eyes and heart wide open to challenge and adventure."  She doesn't mean we should all try to be Indiana Jones, or does she?  If you've always been intrigued with archeology, why not volunteer to help with an archaeological dig?  If you don't do those things you have always wanted do now, when will you find the time, the money, the opportunity, etc.?  

Since Jan Tilley is a nutritionist, there is a lot of good information about health and weight in the book.  How can you be an adventurer is you're not healthy?  The book encourages the reader toward a healthy lifestyle.

I enjoy reading books that encourage me and also give me "real world" ways to make things happen.  I found this book inspirational and grounded.  What do you think? 

hear the interview

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