Friday, July 11, 2008


Divorce parties have been discussed recently in the New York Times and on CNN.  They are a growing part of contemporary culture.  These parties come complete with fancy invitations, lavish food, and even vacation funds.  The idea is for couples to "celebrate" the end of their marriage leaving no hard feelings as the two parties split and go their separate ways.  Wait a minute, doesn't this sound a little too good to be true?  Could it be that both people could be so "civilized" and no one is hurt?  I don't think so.

In Laura Dave's novel, we are privy to the inside issues surrounding the divorce party being thrown by Gwyn and Thomas Hunnington to "celebrate" the end of their thrity-five year marriage  .  Nate, the son of Gwyn and Thomas, has chosen the party as the opportunity to introduce his girlfriend, Maggie, to his now-divorcing parents.  Of course unforeseen complications that arise.  We see the whole affair, if you will pardon the pun, through the eyes of the two women who are at the opposite ends of the spectrum of marriage, Maggie at the beginning and Gwyn at the end.    

This is a fascinating slice of life novel filled with surprises.  I enjoyed reading it.  It's an intriguing idea that isn't as simple as it appears to be and Laura takes us to the heart of the matter.  What do you think?

hear the interview

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