Monday, July 28, 2008

PARDON MY FRENCH:  Unleash Your Inner Gaul

If you've ever been to France or plan to go, this is a must have.  I will never part with my copy of this delightful, insightful, useful book!  I have been to lovely Paris and I have none of the horror stories so many Americans have about the French, but if I had had this handy little tome, I would have done so much better!

Charles Timoney is an Englishman by birth who migrated to France when both he and his wife lost their jobs some 20 odd years ago.  Charles finds himself in a country where he doesn't speak the language!  "Total Emersion" French I believe you could call it.  He plunges right in and learns, but not without a faux pas or deux.  He has written the book he wishes he had.  

It is written as he so aptly states "from the point of view of an Englishman," which means seeing French and France from his point of view.  He is witty and charming in his information and descriptions.  This really is a manual filled with words and advice, but it's such enjoyable reading you might find yourself learning something.

I enjoyed my interview with him very much.    He is dashingly charming on the tele.  He sounds like the Englishman he is without a trace of a French accent.  I really enjoyed and value the book.  What do you think?

hear the interview

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