Saturday, July 4, 2009

DIVE RIGHT IN THE SHARKS WON'T BITE: The Entrepreneurial Woman's Guide To Success

This is a wonderful business book for anyone, but it is especially useful for those who are considering changing careers or who has recently lost their job.

If you have always dreamed of being your own boss, this book offers you a blueprint for turning your ideas and aspirations into powerful, profitable business success. The step-by-step approach makes sense and it works. Look at the author herself who started her own Public Relations firm in New York in 1980.

The book contains tips on locating financing for your business, hiring the "right" people to make your business grow and networking. The 18 Sharkproof Strategies for Entrepreneurial Success are right on target for everyone, whether you own your own business or work in someone else's. The chapter titled WORKAHOLISM DOESN'T WORK, discusses the importance of balance in our lives.

I really like this book and think the advice is right on target in today''s uncertain times. What do you think?

Hear my interview with entrepreneur, Jane Wesman, on Inside the Writer's Cafe, broadcast by, click on this link. Also all shows are available as a free download from I-Tunes.

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